Marathon Ramnaam chanting across the nation for building Shriram Temple

Marathon Ramnaam chanting across the nation for building Shriram Temple

Ramesh Shinde It is a historical fact that Ayodhya city which is a seat of faith for crores of Hindus is the birthplace of Prabhu Shri...

Ramesh Shinde

It is a historical fact that Ayodhya city which is a seat of faith for crores of Hindus is the birthplace of Prabhu Shriram. The Scriptures have ample proofs to this effect. Various ancient places are witness to this fact. In fact, there was no need for the dispute to reach judiciary in this situation.

 It is unfortunate that in India, the Hindus' seats of faith have to be proved by Hindus themselves. Even in the Court, it has been again proved on the basis of archaeological evidence and the Allahabad High Court has confirmed in 2010 that Shriram Janmabhoomi is undoubtedly the birthplace of Shriram. Now, this dispute is pending in the Supreme Court since the last 8 years. How long Hindus have to wait for Shriram Temple ?

The Muslims from all over the world visit Mecca-Medina, Jews to Jerusalem. However, there is no scope for Hindus to perform even simple worship at the birthplace of Shriram which is a seat of faith for crores of Hindus. Prabhu Shriram is installed in a tent of cloth for many years, which is a sort of His desecration. Congress Government does not recognise the existence of Shriram. Therefore, Congress was not expected to build Shriram Temple.

The Pro-Hindu BJP party had promised in its election manifesto to build the Shriram Temple; however, they did nothing in this connection during the last four and a half years. One of the columns of the Democracy, judiciary says 'Shriram Temple is not our priority'. Now, we have lost the confidence in all of these systems. Therefore, only Prabhu Shriram has remained the only supporting pillar for us. For this, we are now going to invoke Prabhu Shriram Himself.

Hindu Janajagruti Samit is appealing to all Hindu devotees that they should make a resolve to build the Shriram Temple and pray Shriram that all obstacles in building the Shriram Temple are eliminated by Him, the Ministers in the Government receive strength to promulgate the ordinance for building the Shriram Temple and the judges in the Court be able to decide the case as soon as possible.

Similarly, come together in nearby Shriram Temple and chant His name collectively. Wherever possible, perform Arti of Shriram in the temple. Now, it is essential for Hindus to seek the grace of Shriram only for building the Shriram Temple.

* Ramesh Shinde is National Spokesperson for Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

-Source: News Agency



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Marathon Ramnaam chanting across the nation for building Shriram Temple
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