Russia publishes new foreign policy concept

Russia publishes new foreign policy concept

  MOSCOW:  A new version of Russia’s foreign policy concept, approved by President Vladimir Putin, was published on Friday. This document de...

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MOSCOW:  A new version of Russia’s foreign policy concept, approved by President Vladimir Putin, was published on Friday. This document defines the priority areas, goals and objectives of the country's international activities, and will serve as a road map for the Foreign Ministry and other ministries and agencies.

The 42-page document consists of six sections and a total of 76 paragraphs. The concept opens with a short section with general provisions, followed by a description of the world’s main trends and prospects (Section 2). The next, third section, is entitled "National interests of the Russian Federation in the foreign policy domain, strategic goals and key tasks set by the foreign policy of the Russian Federation."

The largest, fourth section, lists the priority guidelines of Russia’s foreign policy. The section is divided into several chapters (each consists of a number of items): formation of a just and sustainable world order, the rule of law in international relations, the strengthening of international peace and security, efforts to ensure Russia's interests in the global ocean, outer space and air space, international economic cooperation and promotion of international development, environmental protection and global health care, international humanitarian cooperation, protection of Russian citizens and organizations from foreign illegal encroachments and support for Russia’s foreign policy activity.

The fifth section of the concept is devoted to regional foreign policy guidelines (it includes a special the chapter entitled "The US and other Anglo-Saxon states"). The final section is devoted to the formation and implementation of Russia's foreign policy.

The previous version of the concept was adopted in November 2016. The work to update it has lasted for the past few years. In January 2022, the edited document was submitted for discussion with the permanent members of the Security Council. However, as a result of the meeting, the president sent it back for revision. Last December, the head of state considered the draft of the updated concept again at a meeting with the Security Council.

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Russia publishes new foreign policy concept
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