'I’m rooting for Texas,' Medvedev quips about potential secession of certain US states

'I’m rooting for Texas,' Medvedev quips about potential secession of certain US states

MOSCOW: The secession of certain states from the United States of America could be a distinct possibility, Russian Security Council Deputy C...

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MOSCOW: The secession of certain states from the United States of America could be a distinct possibility, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev told participants in the Znanie (Knowledge) educational marathon on Tuesday, adding that he would "be rooting for [the state of] Texas" should it decide to opt for independence.

"A battle of annihilation on the part of political elites and economic clans could result in certain states splitting off, a scenario which is a distinct possibility," Medvedev said. "These states already brag about their independence as regards highly sensitive issues, such as the right to institute the death penalty for criminals and various economic issues."

"California and the ‘Lone Star State,’ Texas, are already asking to go their own way, and it seems that, just recently, such a scenario would have been viewed as absurd or, at least, very strange," he continued.

"However, Texas has already laid the groundwork for holding a referendum, as the [Texas state] Republicans drafted a bill on the independence of Texas, as well as a Texas [state] bill on organizing the referendum itself. They have even come up with a legal rationale based on the alleged violation of Article 1 of the Texas Constitution," the Russian official said.

"New bills have emerged this year, and so the most interesting things there [in the United States] are just beginning. I don’t know how you all feel, but personally I would be rooting for Texas, and we would see what interesting solutions they might come up with," Medvedev noted.

The Russian Security Council deputy chief also pointed out that the world is witnessing today the progressive degradation of the US political elite, "when the real power in this country ends up in the hands of the so-called ‘deep state,’ with the country [ostensibly] being run either by charismatic but totally useless amateurs, or feeble old men."

In this regard, Medvedev said that the next presidential election in the United States could be a landslide win for American celebrity entrepreneur Elon Musk, who heads Tesla and SpaceX and owns Twitter [but who would be ineligible given his birth in South Africa - TASS].

"Elon Musk is being hyped today as the new face of the new United States," the Russian official stated. "The next US presidential election may end up being won by a person who enjoys greater authority than, say, [ex-US President Donald] Trump himself, never mind [incumbent US President Joe] Biden. I’m speaking here about the celebrated [Elon] Musk. This could also prove to be a very interesting turn of events."

According to Medvedev, it is not important today for Russia who holds the presidential seat in the White House since this issue should mostly concern the United States itself and its allies.

"But, a protracted agony for the US political classes may serve as a trigger for the destruction of human civilization’s further development and this fact must not be underestimated," he added.

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Local Glob: 'I’m rooting for Texas,' Medvedev quips about potential secession of certain US states
'I’m rooting for Texas,' Medvedev quips about potential secession of certain US states
Local Glob
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