MOSCOW: The disinformation campaign on social networks, targeting the Russian House in Baku, has been concocted in accordance with well-kno...
MOSCOW: The disinformation campaign on social networks, targeting the Russian House in Baku, has been concocted in accordance with well-known guidelines, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The ministry said the campaign, "aimed at undermining the Russian-Azerbaijani ties," includes the release of fake online statements calling upon residents of Baku and "all those who respect Russian heritage and culture" to participate in "a rally to support the Russian House in Baku."
"These statements were concocted to bear as much resemblance with an official statement as possible: they use the official logo of the Russian House and related elements, and contain real contacts for feedback. But they are fake," the ministry said. "This is a deliberate and well-planned false flag operation."
"Clearly, its authors seek to turn residents of Azerbaijan against our country, incite ethnic hatred and <…> undermine cooperation between our nations, including in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. Please, do not yield to these provocations and ignore such obvious fakes," the ministry added.
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