Assaults on Hindus and inevitability of establishing the 'Hindu Nation' !

Assaults on Hindus and inevitability of establishing the 'Hindu Nation' !

Ramesh Shinde At present, there are 152 Christian Nations, 52 Islamic Nations, 14 Buddhist Nations and a Jew Nation in the world. Howe...

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Ramesh Shinde

At present, there are 152 Christian Nations, 52 Islamic Nations, 14 Buddhist Nations and a Jew Nation in the world. However, not a single independent nation exists in the world which belongs to Hindus, who form the 4th largest religion in the world. Nearly, 100 crore Hindus reside in India. Still, shockingly they do not have an independent nation of their own. As a result of this anomaly, Hindus have to endure adverse effects through various mediums. This aspect is discussed in this article

1. Persistent attacks on the Hindus' seats of faith

     Since many years, a preplanned conspiracy is being hatched in India to assault Hindus and their seats of faith. After Independence, the Congress party ruled the country for more than 60 years. The incidents of assaults on Hindus which began in their rule do not appear to have stopped even today during the rule of pro-Hindutva BJP Government. The Congress Government took over many temples such as Shri Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai, Shri Saibaba Temple in Shirdi, Shri Tuljabhavani Temple in Tuljapur, etc. In a similar way, the temples in the States of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, etc. have been taken over by the respective Governments. The rulers are incurring great sin by usurping the money that has been donated by the devotees in temples with a lot of faith, and the wealth owned by the temples. In fact, the temple's money has to be expended only in the interest of Hindu Dharma; however, this money is being spent on the welfare of non-Hindus. The Government which is claiming to be a secular system and taking over only the temples shows no inclination to take over mosques or churches. Apart from this, when almost every Government field is going for privatisation, why only the temples are being taken over by the Government ? This questions should be posed by Hindus to the Government. The temples are the source of Chaitanya (Divine Consciousness) and sattvikata; they are also centres for obtaining mental peace. However, as soon as the temples are taken over, corruption begins there. As a result, sattvikata in temples gets destroyed. This is the largest assault on the Hindus' seats of faith.

     Unfortunately, this conspiracy continued even during the rule of the BJP Government which has been elected to the power on the votes of Hindus. In the Hindus' seats of faith such as Shani Shingapur Temple in Maharashtra, Sabarimala Temple in Kerala, etc., the entry of the women in a particular age-group is banned. Still, the Government lifted the ban by falling victim to the pressure brought on it by so-called progressives, women-liberation movements and atheist organisations and trampled the religious sentiments of crores of Hindus. Deity Shri Ayappa in Sabarimala Temple in Kerala is a celibate. Therefore, women in the age group of 10 to 50 are banned from entering the temple. Only the entry of women in menstruation age group is banned; however, this tradition was trampled under the name of so-called women's liberation, and the religious sentiments of Hindus were trampled.

2. Apathy of the BJP Government toward building the Ram Temple

    Mughals invaded India and demolished lakhs of Hindu temples. They committed atrocities on Hindu women and forcibly converted Hindus. Babar demolished the Ram Temple in Ayodhya and built Babri Masjid there. Many proofs exist about this fact; still, the Ram Temple could not be built in Ayodhya till today. Today also, Prabhu Shriram is waiting for the temple. BJP garnered Hindu votes by shouting slogan 'Mandir Vahi Banayenge' (Will build the Temple there only); however, the Temple was not built even after BJP coming into power. Hindus were kept waiting by hollow promises made from time to time. As a result, Hindus have lost trust in BJP. Hindus are now feeling sure that no political party can build the Ram Temple. The Ram Temple will be built only in the 'Hindu Nation'. Therefore, establishing the 'Hindu Nation' has now become inevitable.

3. Increase in cow slaughter and unjust action against Go-rakshaks

     Gomata is revered by Hindus. A cow is worshipped in many religious rituals. However, to prick Hindus, cow slaughter on a large scale is being carried out through the religious fanatics. The cow slaughter could not be stopped by any Government to date. In Maharashtra where the anti-cow slaughter Act is existing, cow slaughter is carried out at many places. The transport of beef is taking place overtly in many places. If this was to continue for long, the number of cows will drastically reduce in the next few years and next generation will have to make themselves familiar with cow only through the images appearing in the textbooks. This is also a major assault on Hindu Dharma. When the complaint is lodged by the devout Hindus with the Police about cow slaughter and transport of beef, the Police neglect it. If the devout Hindus take any action of their own volition, this very Police register offences against devout Hindus promptly. In Lote Parashuram, District Ratnagiri (Maharashtra), the Police neglected many complaints made about cow slaughter taking place there. As a result of which, Hindus were forced to hold agitation after which the Police took action against devout Hindus themselves. Those who are expected to protect law are behaving in such a manner. The Police system is adopting tactics of suppressing tolerant Hindus irrespective of the party - Congress or BJP - which forms the Government.

4. The Government incarcerating only Hindu Saints and devout Hindus under false charges

     During Congress rule, Hindu Saints were incarcerated under false charges; however, the injustice done to Hindus has not stopped despite BJP assuming the power. BJP does not appear to be taking such actions against religious leaders from non-Hindu communities. Apart from this, the BJP Government has unnecessarily put many devout Hindus, including Sanatan's seekers, behind bars by implicating them in the killing cases of Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi. The Government could not produce any evidence against the accused so far; however, mental torture is being caused by making them undergo the punishment of staying in jail. Despite no charges against Sanatan are proved in any Court of law, the seekers are unnecessarily subjected to the mental torture by making them persistently face the Police inquiries. Such are the assaults on Hindu Dharma, Saints and devout Hindus.

5. The only remedy to stop the assault on Hindus is to establish the 'Hindu Nation' !

     In short, the fact remains that no rulers of any party can do justice to Hindus in Hindu-majority India. If these things were to continue, Hindus would be totally eliminated gradually. To stop the assault on Hindus and do justice with Hindus, it is essential to unite Hindus and establish the 'Hindu Nation'.

6. 'All India Hindu Convention' is organised for establishing the 'Hindu Nation' !

    With an expansive objective of establishing the 'Hindu Nation' by uniting Hindus, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has organised the 8th All India Hindu Convention from 27th May to 8th June at Shri Ramnath Temple Meeting Hall, Ponda, Goa. This is the eighth year of the Conventions. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is making efforts to establish the 'Hindu Nation' based on Dharma by organising the All India Hindu Conventions from 2012. In the Convention, directions are given to various sections of Hindu society such as devout Hindu organisations, sects, Saints, advocates, thinkers, etc. for establishing the 'Hindu Nation'. An invincible unity of hundreds of devout Hindu organisations created through these Conventions is a promising step in the direction of establishing the 'Hindu Nation'. The 8th Convention will be attended by representatives of about 250 devout Hindu organisations from 25 States of India along with other countries Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. As a part of the 8th Convention to be held from the 27th May to 8th June 2019, Devout Hindu Lawyers Convention on the 27th and 28th May, Businessmen's Convention on 28th May 2019, All India Hindu Convention from the 29th May to 4th June and 4th Hindu Nation Organisers training convention from the 5th to 8th June will be held.

The writer is the National Spokesperson for Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

Source: News Syndicate



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Assaults on Hindus and inevitability of establishing the 'Hindu Nation' !
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