Russia not meddling in US presidential election — Medvedev

Russia not meddling in US presidential election — Medvedev

  MOSCOW:  The outcome of the presidential race in the US is for the Americans to deal with, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council...

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MOSCOW:  The outcome of the presidential race in the US is for the Americans to deal with, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"We will definitely not interfere with internal affairs of this country," the official said. "The question is for voters, who will be elected. Although preliminary information about intellectual abilities of the potential female successor to old [Joe] Biden leaves little room for illusions," he added.

On July 21, Joe Biden said that he will not run for the next term as the US President, supporting at the same time the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris from the Democratic Party.

Biden becoming ‘lame duck’

US President Joe Biden can do anything as dictated by his entourage because his successful will nevertheless deal with the problems, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"The president that is feeble and does not influence anything will hold the office while the replacement is being picked - probably this is more convenient. He became the ‘lame duck’ in the full sense of this word. However, his hands are fully freed for these six months. His time is running low, he can do anything when dictated by his entourage - his successor will in any case suffer blowback," the Russian politician said.

"We, regrettably, have become a half-step more closer to a global catastrophe, with the reason being full recklessness of the West, its absolute indifference in respect of the fate of the humanity. I hope very much the world without not finally collapse during these six months," Medvedev added.

Russia to give chance to fix everything to future US leader

Russia will give a change to fix relations and ease the global tension to the future US President but the situation is not highly optimistic, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"We are doing everything to secure our citizens against the most dangerous threats exponentially growing now. Certainly, we will give a change to the new US President to move nevertheless away from the abyss, to which the West is now pushing the entire world. However, the current situation is not highly optimistic," he noted.

No serious and responsible person is seen in the US establishment for dealing with and conducting a dialog, Medvedev noted. "It is the deep regret that the US policy has become senile and essentially degenerated - like the whole Western world, by the way," he concluded.

‘Deep State’ runs everything in White House

The figure of the US President is nothing more than a decoration, with the ‘Deep State’ functioning behind, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"No one among US presidents before [Joe] Biden was so deriding in eyes of nationals of his country and the whole world. This proves once again that the figure of a formal US leader is currently just a decoration, nothing more than a shield," the official stressed. "The so-called ‘deep state’ and not the elected president runs all the processes in the US now," Medvedev noted. "A strawman or an Egyptian mummy can be put in the Oval Office - nothing will change in the scheme of things," he added.

"The course of the history will give further assessment to actions of the US President, I will not guess anything in advance," Medvedev noted in response to the request for a comment on words of ex-US President Donald Trump that Joe Biden is the worst president in the US history.

The behavior of US authorities is unpredictable and this makes them a threat to the world, considering the possibility of using nuclear arms, the official stressed.

Biden, Harris cannot be responsible global leaders

Either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris cannot be responsible global leaders, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"Nobody among them can indeed be a responsible global leader even holding the main post in one of nuclear powers of the world," the deputy chairman said.

Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris was ‘poor show’

The Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris was a "poor show" incomparable with organization of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 or the 2018 FIFA World Cup by Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering questions from TASS.

"I do not want even to say anything about the Olympic Games in Paris - a poor show. Recall the Olympics in Sochi or the FIFA World Cup staged brilliantly in our country," Medvedev said.

A provocative mockery of the Last Supper work by Leonardo da Vinci was demonstrated during the opening ceremony of Olympic Games in Paris. Individual episodes of the ceremony sparked the discussion about their content in Russia and other countries.

Russia will prevent the US from staging global catastrophe

Russia sees its goal to prevent reckless politicians in Washington from staging a global catastrophe and hopes friendly countries will support it in this cause, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"Our task is to everything to prevent the global catastrophe. To prevent maniacs from achieving their outlandish goals," Medvedev said. "We will do everything to this end," he noted.

"We reckon upon support of our partners and all sober-minded people making decisions within the global community framework, including our friends in the Global South," Medvedev added.

Kiev regime having no chances

The neo-Nazi regime in Kiev does not represent the Ukrainian nations and it has no chances, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said, answering the question from TASS.

"The Nazi regime of Kiev - this is not the whole Ukrainian nation," Medvedev said. "The people, even brainwashed and terrified by propaganda, understand that the neofascists have no chances," he noted.

The Ukrainian nation should independently make a choice and replace objectionable politicians by reasonable leaders, Medvedev noted. "Residents of Ukraine should make their choice on their own," he stressed.

"Nobody wants to be a pawn in someone else’s game and fuel for someone else’s fire, and this is exactly what is prepared for ordinary citizens of Ukraine," the official added.

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Local Glob: Russia not meddling in US presidential election — Medvedev
Russia not meddling in US presidential election — Medvedev
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