MOSCOW: The opinion that the key rate increase boosts inflation is deeply wrong and its lifting leads to the slowdown in the price hike, Gov...
MOSCOW: The opinion that the key rate increase boosts inflation is deeply wrong and its lifting leads to the slowdown in the price hike, Governor of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina said at the press conference after the Board of Directors’ meeting.
The Bank of Russia kept the key rate at the level of 21% per annum.
TASS picks key statements of the Central Bank chief.
About key rate
The regulator will be ready to consider key rate increasing at the coming meeting if accumulated toughness of the monetary policy proves to be not enough.
The Central Bank discussed key rate keeping and lifting today, rather than its lowering.
Ruble appreciation is not the only factor driving the possible lowering of the key rate.
Factors that will facilitate inflation slowdown in Russia are gaining momentum.
The 10% inflation level in unacceptably high for the regulator.
Annual inflation, as estimated by the regulator, is expected to achieve its peak in April - May.
Effect of possible talks between Russia and the US
It is premature to include in the scenario the impact of possible talks between Russia and the US on the monetary policy.
Economy and lending
The economy’s overheating will gradually decline as effects are accumulated from toughened monetary conditions and budgetary policy normalization.
The focus of the monetary policy is to provide for stable and balanced growth of the national economy.
The lending cooldown already covers all the market segments.
Price growth deceleration
The Central Bank sees as the price growth rate gears down amid the ruble appreciation.
Deposits and currency
The Bank of Russia has no authority to "freeze" deposits and does not need them.
The regulator does not see any problems with the foreign exchange in the Russian market.
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